Check us out here at the beginning of the ride:–8Jv0
The fabulous Amy Walker mentioned us this month in Momentum magazine.
As part of Vancouver’s third annual Velopalooza “Festival of Bike Fun” I co-hosted the DIY Bike PA Soundclash Ride. We invited people to bring out their bike sound systems or just come along for the ride. We also asked Adrian (Professor Prawns) and Karlis (Count Snacky) from Freestyle Focus Group (FFG) to MC the event with their signature freestyle and interactive rapping. Around 50 people showed up for the ride including visiting riders from Los Angeles, Davis, CA, Portland, OR, and Germany. We heard show-and-tell-style descriptions of six homemade bike sound systems. At each stop we entertained each other with our attempts at freestyling, plus we had a surprise gamelan performance on re-used bike tubes and a ukelele and harmonica rendition of “You Are My Sunshine.”