Did we mention the first edition of our book is available? Would you like to continue to develop what you started at a FFG workshop? Can’t make it to an FFG workshop but can’t wait to get started on your freestyle technique? Then our new book “Learn to Freestyle with FFG” is what you need! This first edition (summer 2012) is 66 pages filled with practice exercises and ideas to help you improve your freestyle skills and flow. Illustrated by Professor Prawns.
Right now you can get a copy by contacting Snackula or Prawns. Prawns always has a few in his bag so if you can get one if you see him at his secret cafe offices or at the Liquid Swords teahouse. <a href=”http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/learn-to-freestyle-with-the-freestyle-focus-group/13739320″>You can also order one directly online</a>. We’re going to be posting <a href=”/wp/category/freestyle”>content from the learn to freestyle with FFG book</a> on the website.